Clean the oozing, dry the wound area, and approximate wound edges precisely. For larger wounds, use forceps to hold the edges of the skin.


Cut the tip while holding the ampoule vertically, and draw the liquid into the applicator (disposable syringe).


Hold the skin in approximation and apply few drops of Myokling Octa adhesive from the syringe at close intervals to facilitate holding.


Apply a thin layer of the adhesive across the wound and let it dry for two minutes. The applied layer should extend at least ½ cm on either side of the approximated wound.


For better closure, do not apply the adhesive into the wound but on top, as a bridge. Intermediate and supportive temporary sutures can be used for wounds larger than seven cms. Internal absorbable sutures should be applied for deeper wounds, before the final closure with Myokling Octa.

Available in:

  • 0.25ml Ampoule - up to 7cms wound closure
  • 0.50ml Ampoule - up to 13cms wound closure
  • 1.00ml Ampoule - up to 25cms wound closure